Our 5 Year Wedding Anniversary

5 years ago on the morning of September 6, 2009, I was at my parents house getting prepared to take a short walk down a beautiful  aisle. I knew that the man at the end of that aisle would be a teary hot mess, but that is one of the reasons why I love him so much. I also know that he is the one I want to wake up next to every morning, the one I want to raise my children with, the one I want to go on adventures with, the one I want to grow old with and most importantly the one I can’t live without. It is crazy because he always knew from the moment we met we would be together. Where I had no idea how this guy that teased me at an EMS interview saying “this is how we do it in Bridgeport” would forever impact my life.

Lets look at the basic timeline:

We have been together 9 years (Started dating October 14, 2005)




We have been married 5 years (September 6, 2009)

henriques_wedding-45Photo Credit: Carla Ten Eyck


We have been parents for 1.5 ish yeas (February 19, 2013)



The past 9 years have been an adventure of a life time we have had some fabulous ups and some very low, lows but, we have come out the other side of it all stronger and most importantly together. I know that he is the one I was meant to be intimate, playful and spontaneous with. Jason Henriques, I love you so very much! You are my best friend, the one I can share all my secrets with, and the one I want to go on lives adventures with. Happy Anniversary!!



Photo Credit: Jena Alviti