It’s ok to cry | Sentimental Life

I cry….. Yes I said I cry…. Yes I am a big dude and I cry at almost every wedding. Especially my own, Im not talking about cute weeping either ( I do that during chick flicks )  I ugly cried at my own wedding. I’m good at concealing it at others weddings 😉 Not because I wanted tot run for the hills or had second thoughts. I cried because I was marring my soul mate. I was crying because at that moment I knew that my life was just beginning.

2014-04-16_0001We would now be tackling life as a team. Taking the long backroads versus the highway. Yes we have broken down but we fix it right back up, get more gas, and get on the road again traveling down the road of life, not alone… never alone…. always a team. 


So the reason I am so sentimental,  particularly at weddings is not because that couple is about to tie the knot, but for what lies in store for them, their incredible future together. As well as the whole hearted emotions that I felt on my own wedding day. The thoughts and feelings of how privileged and honored I am to have the most amazing wife ever. Maggie is always there to push me when I need it or throw a rope around me and pull me back when I’m going to far. I LOVE her with my heart and soul and my entire life force.

We signed up to be a team and it is the most magnificent thing to be able to serve each other every day, (yes even when she’s being like…. that) go to sleep next to each other, fight over the remote, and argue about whats for dinner. We learn from each other, we help each other, We love each other. If this isn’t the good life, I don’t know what is. Love is the most powerful force on the planet and I’m glad mine is where it should be 🙂 I Love you Margaret Henriques!!!


So remember to hold hands everyday, always kiss good night, never stop dating, and give unsuspecting hugs (tight bear hugs) just because.
