Thankful Thursday

The Webster dictionary defines photography as “the process of recording images … the art, practice, or occupation of taking and printing photographs”. While that may be the definition and inevitably any photographer takes pictures. Photography for us is so much more than those few word that the Webster dictionary defines it as.
Photography has allowed Jason and I, to travel and see things and meet people that we never thought we would. We have had the ability to financially support ourselves and start a family. We have the ability to have Jay stay home full time and care for our son. We have the ability to become a part of the families and lives of our clients. We celebrate with them some of the most intimate moments from engagements, to weddings, to births, to just celebrating life and family in general. These moments are so important. And Jay and I, strive to celebrate life and the everyday blessings. We are honored and thankful that we have been able to take our gift and make it into a profession. #30DOT

Hash tag your 30 days of thankfulness too. #30DOT


Maggie and Jay

Jay and Maggie rocking the muscle pose.

Jay and Maggie rocking the muscle pose.